Did you miss Kellogg's Anaaj ka Nashta campaign in partnership with Meru cab service?

Ask any B-school graduate about how Kellogg’s found it hard to enter the Indian market and one might get an entire account of what happened. It was indeed difficult for Kellogg’s to get inside the Indian households where breakfast tables are adorned with plates of Poha, Upma, Parantha and Dosa.

But recently I came across a BTL sampling activation of Kellogg’s which might be a good example of right intervention in the consumers’ mind in the right place and at the right time. This campaign was run only by cab advertising.

This activation however small in terms of reach and investment had the capacity to reach the right target audience and induce trial of Kellogg’s into the daily lives of the people and also delight the customers using the product, already.

Campaign Details

Free breakfast meal box with milk and container to eat
Free breakfast meal box with milk and container to eat
Meru Cab with Kellogg's campaign

Meru Cab with Kellogg's campaign
Image source: afaqs.com

Type: BTL activation (Cab advertising/Sampling)

Name: Anaaj ka Nashta

Description: Free Anaaj ka Nashta pack for cabs booked for pick-up between 5AM and 9AM. An SMS is sent to the passenger informing about the cab being equipped with a free breakfast. The pack consists of a small Kellogg’s Muesli packet (new variant) along with 100 ml milk carton. Chauffeurs trained to make the passengers comfortable, also providing with sanitizers and scissors. The campaign focuses on the message – ‘Importance of having breakfast every day’

Running period: Dec 2013 – April 2014
Kellogg's and Meru tie-up with right key elements

Right Target audience

There can be no better target for breakfast meal than early morning travellers who mostly start in the wee hours without eating much for breakfast. They are either early office-goers who are there in the city for a short time or people catching an early morning flight (frequent flyers). The timings of the free breakfast meal and the user of Meru cabs clearly defines the target audience as early morning travellers generally to airports who have a tendency to skip breakfast to make it to their destinations on time.

Right intervention

The free breakfast meal sure does act as a customer delight for the early risers starving for a quick bite before starting a long day. By identifying this need, Kellogg’s breakfast meal is the perfect intervention in the consumer’s radio cab journey.

Right partnership

Choosing a right partner for any campaign is extremely important and this campaign isn’t an exception. Meru, which is the No. 1 radio cab service in India, fits aptly in this case.  Meru in this case also had a derivable benefit for themselves through this campaign. Radio cab business, today, has many players making it difficult to differentiate and stay ahead. The free breakfast meal surely will be a value-add and a differentiation to their existing service.

The campaign had a perfect mix to be a potentially successful endeavour for Kellogg’s but eventually, it metamorphosed into the unrelated Anaaj Ka Nashta campaign, which was heavily publicized all over.

Possible improvements

1. Untapped potential in Social Media

Campaigns such as these have a great Social Virality Quotient. But the absence of a proper medium for the delighted consumer played a significant role in curbing the viral nature of the campaign. The above picture demonstrates the stickers put on the head of the seat in the cab. The message of the campaign is clearly conveyed through the campaign. Although, consumers who get delighted to get the free breakfast meal are left on their own without any encouragement to share their experience with others. Something like “Share your breakfast experience with us on xyz.com” or “Tweet your experience with #PowerofBreakfast” would have at least made this campaign noticeable to others in the social media space. With ‘Selfies’ being the new ‘in’ thing these days, a ‘Selfie with the breakfast meal’ contest would have been a hit on Instagram.

Not tapping social media properly led to lack of data capturing from the consumers in the form of testimonials and experiences. Also, they missed an opportunity to gain valuable insights from the consumers about their new product which eventually would have helped in the succeeding campaign.

Following are the only tweets related to the campaign:

2. Renaming the campaign

Agreed Kellogg’s is trying to find space on the common Indian’s breakfast table for years. But this campaign could have had a different name for it. Anaaj ka Nashta could have been renamed as ‘Discover the Power of breakfast’ for this bit of the campaign separating it completely from the original campaign. This would have ensured a brand connect with the target audience of corporates' and early travellers. Cornflakes is still perceived to be a non-Indian way of breakfast. Naming the campaign in Hindi is still a long shot for achieving consumer acceptance of cornflakes cereal in the Indian way of eating.

3. Aligning with the parent campaign

Once this sampling campaign was over, Kellogg’s launched Anaaj ka Nashta campaign across all the media focusing on helping children realize the power of breakfast. This shows a complete turnaround in terms of the target audience for Kellogg’s (from corporate to children). This might be a better decision considering the fact that indulging a habit in a  child is easier than adults and once a child starts accepting cornflakes in the breakfast, Kellogg’s would have acquired the child as a consumer for the long term.

The following sums up the campaign which truly had the potential to make it nationally but could not what it deserved.

Summary of the campaign

Hits for the campaign
Misses for the campaign
Target Audience
Providing an adequate environment for social sharing of the delighted experience
Choosing the right partner for the target audience
Name of the campaign not in sync with the target audience
Free breakfast meal adding to the delight for the consumer
Sampling activity not getting attention to scaling up to a larger campaign

Article originally published: InsideIIM


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